Vodafone – Internship Program – Media Relations and Corporate Communication – Milano

vodafone_lavoroVodafone Internship Program is a development path dedicated to both Bachelor and Master’s students, which allows you to spend 6 months of as an active member in one of our teams.

After this experience, you will be able to relay complex information in a simple, clear and concise way to senior management. You will gain independence in performing the tasks assigned, setting priorities and achieving yours goals. It includes also the opportunity to work on a project that could be the topic of your final dissertation.

The Internship Program may be just the first step of you career in Vodafone. In fact, it will allow you to be part of the selection process for our Discover Program.

Being part of our Media Relations and Corporate Communication department means to step up and gain responsibilities in activities such as:

  • Assure company’s external  communication in preparing and monitoring press release and news
  • Support the team in organizing press conferences and media events
  • Manage the press office Twitter channel
  • Contribute to a coherent external communication plan within the Company strategy.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for students in Corporate communication, Journalism, Digital Communication or similar topic with a strong focus and interest in journalism;
someone who also embraces new technologies and a continuously learning approach. To join our Internship Program our qualifying requirements are:

  • Top academic performance
  • Proficient both in Italian and in English
  • International Experience
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office and Social media

